Monday, October 26, 2015

Special Effect

I recently saw The Maze Runner and really liked the maze and the overall esthetics of the dystopian community in the film. The video I chose is unique because it breaks down the film and shows what the actors are seeing and compares it to the special effects that the audience is seeing. I was particularly impressed with the actors' ability to react to things that they were unable to see.

Music in Tsotsi

I found the music in the movie to be slightly distracting compared to what was unfolding in each scene. Oftentimes the mood of the music did not match the mood of the moment in the film. I found myself more aware of the music and sometimes found it distracting. I did, however enjoy that the film included music from South Africa. It added an authentic feel to the film which was very refreshing.


I chose a scene from The Deathly Hallows because I thought the abrupt scene change was distracting and took away from an important moment in the film. I recently re-watched this movie and was reminded of the scene when Ron and Hermione kiss. The moment passes by quickly and immediately cuts to Voldemort, screaming and in pain. I thought that the transition took away from the moment and it seemed very out of place. The juxtaposition of a tender moment and an awful one was not at all appealing to me.

The Road Home Symbolism

The Road Home is filled with many symbols throughout the film. One that I found to be very prominent was the symbol of food. Food is discussed many times in the movie and the amount of care gone into the preparation is another factor that lead me to believe it had a large significance. In the beginning, the women prepare food and hope their dish is chosen by the school teacher. This demonstrates the amount of care and pride they out in their dishes. Later, when it is the girl's turn to prepare food, her grandmother describes the care she took in preparing the meal. The final example is the mushroom dumpling dish that was prepared for the teacher. Watching the girl prepare the food so meticulously made me realize how much car and effort she put into the dish. I believe the emphasis on food was intentional and that the care she put into her food was symbolic of the love and care she felt for the teacher.

Camera Movement

I chose a scene from the show Walking Dead because I found the camera angle to be very unique. In this scene the main character, Rick Grimes is grabbing another character and throwing him in the back of a car. I found this camera movement to be particularly memorable because it is being shot from the perspective of the person being captured. As I was watching this, I felt a connection with the character. I felt anxious and scared. The camera movement was quick an jumbled, adding to the confusion of the scene. It also helped me to better relate to the character; I felt that I took on some of his emotions, particularly fear.